This is an old article, but I dont think I can let this go here without saying something. First, I want you to know while I respect your journey and experiences, the level of suffering and bad feelings you have described do not represent all of us.
I have found my level of personal satisfaction and peace has risen exponentially since I started HRT. I also know im not the only one. Here is what readers need to understand. HRT and surgery will vary in results based on your body chemistry and mental health. If your mental health declines after starting it, it may be time to reevaluate your current mental health regimen either to account for the adjustment in Hormonal Constitution or find a different combination of drugs for your Therapy.
Yes, it is true that dysphoria never goes away, but I much prefer the gentle reminder of dysphoria to the soul crushing constant reminder that I was living a lie. You play the cards you are dealt in life, but you dont have to let them define you either.
I know this is supposed to be an artistic piece; a gritty look at the woes of transgender life. But maybe people need to know for some the medicine works, the freedom works, and that trans people can be happy if treated with the right drugs, surgeries, and a little human kindness.