These two words are quite explosive and conjure a lot of anger when addressed, I do my best to leave them alone and let the people who identify with one or the other use them as they see fit. I am self Proclaimed pansexual. while I am Ok in theory with your definitions (for the most part) I find that each words have different connotations when you talk to people about them. I continue to use Pansexual. Also as someone else already pointed out you have confused Pansexual with Demisexual a bit. I am A Trans Femial Demisexual/Pansesxal Human with too many titles. I am all for changing that to "I am a person who likes others persons" The Demisexual speaks less to who I date and more to how I experience a relationship. All that being said, the topic needs to be hashed out, but in the mean time so thanks for writing this.