I happen to agree with you and I thought about writing the same article more or less. Here’s the problem and the reason I found it pointless to write this. Most Trans people embrace cancel culture because most of us believe in government control over free speech. The far left has embraced Trans ideology and we as a collective whole have hitched our wagon to the communist agenda. I had cited about a week ago in a Trans group that this Dave Chappelle show was hardly an important issue that it was on brand for who Dave chapoele is and since he has made fun of every group imaginable and yet we are the only people who got all up in arms and tried to cancel him. Maybe all the energy should be spent trying to fight southern lawmakers and politicians let’s cancel them instead. As long as there are real injustices in the world why are we wasting our attention on making Dave Chappelle more famous? I was called a boot licker and a tranphobe and removed from that community for that bit of free thought. I hope they don’t destroy you as well! Just be mindful it very hard to go against the Trans hive mind. Remember, Trans culture does not really value free speech, but independently there still some of us out here who do. I continue to believe we make more progress from open discussion and diplomacy then from canceling famous loudmouths.