I appreciate your in-depth look into his life. I knew he was troubled but I had no idea of the depth of depravity. I enjoy his music, and Life on Mars speaks to me (probably in a way different then he had intended).
I have found that a lot of musicians and Actors are tortured people and have led less then ideal lives, in fact some downright deplorable. I tend to appreciate the art, while not idolizing the artist, which I realize is a fine line, but if I judge the art by the artist and not on its own merit, the pool of art to enjoy in this world is very small.
That being said though, I feel that we have gotten to idolize the man in his death latching on and relating to his tortured soul and overlooking the travestys. it think this article does a great job of reminding us who he really was. If we are going to recount his life, we should recount the whole story and not just the parts people try to relate with and pity.