Here I go, stepping out of my lane again:
I very much appreciated your testimony, it was honest and heartfelt. I am sorry that your comment feed got attacked by TERFs. Hardline Anti Trans Feminists like that have worked hard for freedoms and recognition in a male-dominated workplace and social construct for decades. Now, Gen Z and younger LGBTQ+ people are pushing for the erasure of the gender binary which would(in their minds) negate all the work they have done to set up rights and priveledges within the current binary model in which THEY are the self-appointed gatekeeps of “Pure feminity”
Thus those who were once hardline liberals fighting for “justice and equality” suddenly align themselves with the hatemongers on the right who want no place for trans women in this world. The idea that we should have a “Trinary” or “Ternary” Gender system for “Real Male”, “Real Female” and “whatever else” is repugnant. and while that isn't the language that is used, it is what can be deducted by saying that trans women aren't “real women”. After all they aren't men. Trans women surrender their male privilege in the process of acceptance and transition, so they are no longer welcome on that end of the Binary System. TERFs say we can never achieve, true feminine status, so we must remain in limbo because after all the idea of the gender scale is also rejected by AntiTrans feminism. There are only “True Women” and everything else.
I have lost a lot of sleep over the hate and the unacceptance that awaits me in the completion of my transition. I have ultimately decided, at the end of it, I am going to wear what I like, and be confident that I am and was born a woman. Despite having AMAB gender parts, my psychology and endocrinology were all female.
All you hate mongers should feel shame for turning such a pure expression of self-actualization and freedom into your personal platform of hate. She in no way attacked your opinions or right to exist, extend her the same courtesy. Use the forums provided to you and leave people like this alone.