Member-only story
Americans Listening to Each Other?
No Results are Guaranteed, But It’s a Start
The writer of this piece is a transgender woman and a self-proclaimed Moderate with Libertarian Leanings. A member of the ~37% of the population no one gives a voice to but still gets to vote.
Listen up, folks, I’m going to drop some truth on ya. I’m a transgender woman And a Socially Left-Leaning Libertarian. One of my best friends is an old-school Traditional Conservative. And you know what? I respect the hell out of that guy. We can sit down, have breakfast and discuss the whole political spectrum and ideas of all kinds, and one of us might even change or at least challenge the view of the other on any given topic. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Trans? She must be a card-carryin’ liberal, anti-capitalism, pro-gun control, all that shit.” But hold up; there is another possibility! Back in the day(before I was born), political ideology wasn’t just about wearing a label. It was about holding to a set of ideals. People actually did their damn homework and voted for candidates based on what they thought was better for the country, not just their party affiliation. Common Sense back then, but today sounds like radical blasphemy to doctrine.
Fast forward to today, and we’ve got a whole different story. Tribalism has taken over, folks. We’re told that if you’re…